The second FERSI column by Dominique Mignot, Université Gustave Eiffel and vice-president of FERSI, calls for continued attention for road safety despite the many other challenges that the world is facing.

The second FERSI column by Dominique Mignot, Université Gustave Eiffel and vice-president of FERSI, calls for continued attention for road safety despite the many other challenges that the world is facing.
In 4 months, the TRA 2022 conference will reunite in Lisbon (14-17 November 2022) experts from around the world to network and discuss the newest innovations and the future of mobility and transport.
The conference offers several opportunities to get involved, communicate, engage with stakeholders and stay connected:
Finally, the Registration is open, with early bird fee available until 31 July 2022. Special rates are offered to speakers, authors, reviewers, students & young researchers, exhibitors & demonstrators. A reduced fee is also available for watching the live stream of the opening & closing ceremonies, plenaries & strategic sessions (in view mode only).
Don’t wait to secure your spot at TRA 2022!
To get regular updates on the conference, register to the Keep me posted or follow on LinkedIn.
The detailed programme for the FERSI Conference is now available. The conference programme includes plenary sessions with keynotes by Geertje Hegeman, Head of the Road Safety Department at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management, Pernille Sølund Ehlers from the Danish Road safety Council and Graziella Jost from the European Transport Safety Council. It also offers poster pitches, parallel sessions with paper presentations on various road safety topics, a social gathering in Madurodam, a round table discussion and a wrap-up session with an award ceremony, finally ending with a goodbye lunch.
The international conference will be held on October 6 & 7 in the Hague and is open to researchers, policy makers and road safety professionals from road authorities and road safety observatories but also professionals otherwise involved in road traffic and road safety (enforcement, engineering, consultancy, education). The conference will allow for discussion on promising ways to facilitate the decision making and implementation process of proven (cost-)effective but politically sensitive road safety measures.
Check out the programme!
A few times per year FERSI will release a column on a road safety topic, written by one of the FERSI members. These columns will express the author’s personal vision or opinion on a topic of his/her choice. The first column comes from FERSI President and SWOV’s Deputy Director Rob Eenink, titled Bicycles are dangerous.
After a professional career of 50 years in road transport, Dr Jacek Malasek retired. Jacek represented the Polish Research Institute of Road and Bridges (IBDiM) in FERSI for almost 20 years. He was a highly valued member of our network, and his contributions will be missed. Many thanks to Jacek on behalf of all FERSI members, wishing him a great, well-deserved retirement.
The XXVIIth edition of the PIARC World Road Congress will take place in Prague from 2 to 6 October 2023. The call for papers is open until the 26 August 2022. For more information see the congress website.
In this update of its Safe Road Transport Research Roadmap published in 2019, ERTRAC proposes a set of high-priority road safety research needs with their suggested timing for inclusion in Horizon Europe. The updated roadmap is available at
The next HUMANIST Summer School will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 14 to 16 September 2022. Its main topics are human factors, automated driving, and active mobility. Programme and registration are available now at
You can now register for the FERSI conference Implementing evidence-based road safety measures – removing barriers and enhancing public support on 6 and 7 October 2022 in the Hague, the Netherlands. More information about the conference, a preliminary programme outline, practical details, as well as a link to the registration tool is available here.
The Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes FERSI notes with dismay the alarming situation in Ukraine and finds the invasion of a sovereign democratic nation by Russian forces outrageous and unacceptable. These actions are undermining global security and stability and have led to deplorable human suffering and loss of life.
In the interests of peace and stability in international relations, we call for an end to the hostilities and for a resolution that respects the sovereignty of Ukraine and all its people. FERSI stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, along with those in Russia who are courageously manifesting their rejection of war. We wish the citizens of Ukraine great strength in resisting and overcoming this shocking crisis.
We note that scientists and scientific journalists in Russia have issued the following open letter on the situation.