Here you can find an overview of the ongoing and closed EU funded road safety projects. In the vast majority FERSI members are/were involved as partners.

Drive2theFuture is a project that aims to prepare “drivers”, travellers and vehicle operators of the future to accept and use connected, cooperative and automated transport modes and the industry of these technologies to understand and meet their needs and wants.
Start: May 2019 – Duration: 36 months

The European I-DREAMS project aims to set up a framework for the definition, development, testing and validation of a context-aware ‘safety tolerance zone’ for on-road driving, within a smart Driver and Road Environment Assessment and Monitoring System.
Start: May 2019 – Duration 36 months

LEVITATE is involved with a driverless future. It will look at how cities, towns, regional authorities and national governments can use technology, and create new systems to accommodate the forecast growth of driverless cars, buses, taxis and pods, as well as autonomous freight and logistics. Start: December 2018 – Duration: 36 months

MEDIATOR will develop an instrument that checks in real-time whether the control of the vehicle can be better with the driver or with one of the autonomous systems. The system will also ensure that the transfer of the control takes place on time and safely.
Start: May 2019 – Duration: 48 months

The project RADAR will implement learning and transnational cooperation activities to help the relevant organisations in the Danube area to identify risk on their road networks and help them reduce risk systematically by improving road infrastructure and roads’ layout.
Start: June 2018 – Duration 36 months

With innovations like connected automated vehicles new safety challenges will keep emerging. In the H2020 SAFE-UP project future safety-critical scenarios will be designed and analysed in a highly automated and mixed traffic environment in a traffic simulation platform. New safety technologies for active and passive systems will be developed, complemented by targeted education and training schemes.
Start: June 2020 – Duration: 36 months

VIRTUAL will provide models, tools and protocols for virtual crash testing (VT) in road safety. As compared to physical crash tests, VT allows a far wider range of occupant specific characteristics, including factors such as age or size. Start: June 2018 – Duration: 48 months