- Geertje Hegeman: Implementation Dutch Strategic Plan Road Safety 2030
- Pernille Sølund Ehlers: How the Danish cyclists were convinced to use a bicycle helmet – without a law
- Graziella Jost: 2022 – Vehicle safety in Europe takes a giant leap forward; but there are a couple of own-goals

Road safety education and training
- Wilma Slinger (CROW): Towards evidenced based road safety education
- Elizabeth Box (Cranfield University): Pre-driver Theatre and Workshop Education Research (PdTWER)
- Mette Møller (DTU): Accompanied driving in Denmark
- Djorike Palma (VeiligheidNL): Stand up for your ride. An effective Norwegian road safety program, implemented in the Netherlands
Road safety policies – capacity building and public support
- Adnan Rahman (DATS bv): Implementing Vision Zero in Turkey: the need for capacity building
- Sander van der Kint (SWOV): Road safety knowledge of urban transport civil servants
- Wouter Van den Berghe (Tilkon): What do people really mean when they state that they support a policy measure in road safety?
Effects of (evidence-based) road safety measures
- Florian Vanco (Cerema): Evaluation of urban road safety policies
- Rune Elvik (TØI): Explaining the decline in fatal and serious injuries in Norway 2000-2019
- Dominique Mignot (Université Gustave Eiffel): Implementing evidence-based measures in Africa
- Carol Atkinson-Palombo (University of Connecticut): Effects of a vision zero approach in New York City
Urban safety and vulnerable road users
- Serge Lamberty (Aachen University): Real-time prevention of accidents between cyclists and right-turning motor vehicles
- Nóra Krizsik (KTI): Vehicle activated speed warnings near pedestrian crossings
- Celina Mons (SWOV): Risk assessment method for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs)
- Stefan Westerman (ANWB): Design of public space
Fitness to drive
- Luigi Tinella (University of Bari): Methods to evaluate the Fitness to Drive
- Nathalie Moreau (Vias institute): Drinking-driving: potential effects of a zero-limit policy on the number of traffic victims in Belgium
- Anne Marthe Jalvingh (Royal HaskoningDHV): A self-assessment tool to assist senior drivers in remaining mobile in a safe way
Road safety data: needs and availability
- Erik Donkers (VIA Software): Data-driven and project-oriented working
- Tobias Panwinkler (BASt): Data for evidence: Overcoming the problem of insufficient accident information – the example of electric bicycle accident
- Torkel Bjørnskau (TØI): Safety for vulnerable road users – new perspectives and new accident registration tools
- Menno Mimpen & Thijs Jagt (ANWB): Data-driven, risk-based road safety approach by sharing unique data on driving behaviour
Safety on rural roads
- Bettina Zahnd (EBP Schweiz AG): Self-explaining and forgiving roads. Need for action on rural roads in Switzerland
- Laurent Carnis (Université Gustave Eiffel): Public policy lesson drawing: the case of 80 km/h in France
- Mathis Beltrami (Cerema): Is Powered Two-Wheeler Lane splitting dangerous or not? Focus on the two experiments conducted in France
Road safety data collection and data sources
- Sandra Vieira Gomes (LNEC): Portuguese Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for speed and distraction
- Milan Tešić (RTSA): Open data: KPIs and European Open Science Cloud
- Jörg Ehlers (Aachen University): Combining traffic accident data, crowdsourced data about dangerous spots and vehicle kinematic data
- Armira Kontaxi (University of Athens): Measuring the impact of driver behavior telematics in road safety
- Nathalie Moreau (Vias institute): Results and lessons from the Baseline project on road safety performance indicators in Europe
- Andreas Nikiforiadis (CERTH/HIT): Safety in micromobility and the RideSafeUM initiative
- Bojan Jovanović (FPZ): Developing the Safer Road Investment Plan – Examples from selected Slavonian counties in Croatia
- Damian Penney (Lytx Inc.): Changing perceptions: how next-generation video telematics is reducing risk for commercial fleets and empowering drivers across Europe
- Apostolos Anagnostopoulos & Fotini Kehagia (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): Evaluating roundabouts safety performance based on trajectory analysis through UAVs
- Dwi Bakti Permana, Budi Susandi, Heri Prabowo: Handling Overload and Overdimension Vehicles in Indonesia
- Mette Møller (DTU): Online speeding intervention