The 11th Young Researchers Seminar will be held from 17 to 19 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal, hosted and organised by LNEC, the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering.
The YRS is organised every two years in a different European country. The common vision for the Young Researchers Seminar is the preparation of a new generation of transport scientists and science-based professionals in the area of transport (multimodal).
The objectives are:
-To train young researchers belonging to the Supporting Organizations’ members of ECTRI, FEHRL, FERSI, EURNEX, HUMANIST and from United States’ universities, to prepare papers and present oral scientific communications, by direct interaction with assigned tutors.
-To enable the exchange and networking opportunities of young transport researchers with their peers and tutors. Therefore, this seminar is not only aimed at building up scientific excellence, it also seeks at improving presentation skills and the ability to communicate science.
The seminar focuses on following research domains:
- Transport economics, policy, and transport behaviour
- Transport sustainability and environment
- Transport safety
- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) & Traffic management
- Transport logistics and freight
- Road, rail and maritime transport engineering
The young researchers are incited to participate by their own organisations (institutes or universities). They are novice researchers, preferably PhD students (postdoctoral may also be accepted, within 1-2 years after their PhD). They are involved in (at least) one of the research domains. Attention isa lso given on ensuring a balanced representation among the organisations based on the following criteria:
- Maximum 1 young researcher per research domain for organisations with more than 300 staff,
- Maximum 3 young researchers in total for organisations with less than 300 staff,
- And maximum 1 US young researcher per research domain. The tutors are senior researchers from the supporting organizations but also from United States’ universities.