FERSI supports EC’s policy on KPIs

FERSI fully supports the European Commission’s policy on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). It its recently released statement (PDF) FERSI concludes that the use of KPIs can be of great help for both monitoring road safety developments, and identifying the most promising interventions. It is emphasized though that a KPI policy will only be successful if the agreed KPIs have a proven relationship with road safety and if Members States are prepared to collect the required data on a regular basis, and in a similar format. 

New ERTRAC roadmaps available

At the ERTRAC Annual Conference 2019, early April in Brussels, ERTRAC published the Connected Automated Driving Roadmap. This document is an update of the 2017 roadmap. At this same event, ERTRAC also presented the Safe Road Transport Roadmap, entitled Towards Vision Zero: Roads without Victims. Both documents can be downloaded from the ERTRAC website.Regarding vehicle automation we also refer to the 2018 FERSI publication Safety through automation?

FERSI calls for a road safety mission in Horizon Europe

FERSI calls upon the European Commission to give road safety a strong and visible position in Horizon Europe, the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

In a short document FERSI clarifies and substantiates the need for further research and innovation in the area of road safety in order to meet the ambitious European objective of halving the number of road fatalities and serious injuries in the next decade, and having a road without victims in 2050. The document was distributed among relevant EC officials, national contact points and transport organisations.   

Rob Eenink succeeds Horst Schulze as FERSI president

After two terms as president of the Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI), Horst Schulze (BASt) will be succeeded by Rob Eenink (SWOV). Concurrently, FERSI’s General Secretary Raschid Urmeew (BASt) steps down and will be succeeded by Ingrid van Schagen (SWOV).

The primary mission of FERSI is to promote and coordinate high quality research on road safety issues, consult on implementation of research results and scientifically evaluate implementation outcomes.

Rob Eenink: “We thank Horst and Raschid for establishing FERSI as a major influencer of Europe’s road safety policy and leading us to a high level of cooperation outside and within FERSI. I look forward to working with Ingrid and our new Executive Board: Dominique Mignot (vice-president, IFSTTAR), Astrid Linder (VTI), Klaus Machata (KFV) and Mateja Markl (SPV)”.