ETSC PIN briefing on impact COVID-19

In July, ETSC published a PIN briefing on the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on road deaths in April 2020, when most countries were in lockdown. Data were available from 25 countries and 19 saw a decrease in the number of road deaths related to the big drops in traffic volumes. The briefing includes recommendations at European, national and local level.   

Download the report.

Vacant positions at DTU, Denmark

One of our FERSI members, the Department of Technology, Management and Economic at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites applications for positions as Assistant or Associate Professor in Transport Economics, Transport Psychology or Transport Modelling. Deadline for applications: 31 July 2020. 

For more information:  DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor(s) or Associate Professor(s) in Transport Economics, Transport Psychology or Transport Modelling

FERSI paper on vehicle automation

The TRA2020 conference, scheduled for April 2020, had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Abstracts of all scientific papers accepted to TRA2020 will be made available in a Book of Abstracts, to be published in May. The FERSI contribution on vehicle automation and road safety is already available on our website now.

Download the FERSI paper »

Towards the 12 Voluntary Global Targets for Road Safety

The United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) recently published the document Towards the 12 Voluntary Global Targets for Road Safety – Guidance for countries on activities and measures to achieve the voluntary global road safety performance targets. This guidelines document aims to help countries all over the world to develop appropriate performance indicators for road safety. FERSI member Vias institute was the main contributor to this document.   

ITF 2020 Pre-Summit Research Day: call for abstract

ECTRI, in partnership with the International Transport Forum (ITF), the US Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), is co-organising the ITF 2020 Pre-Summit Research Day on May 26, 2020 in Leipzig, on the topic of “Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development”. Abstracts can be submitted until 6 March 2020; the deadline for submission for the ITF Young Research Award is 21 February 2020. For more information, please see here.

FERSI recommendations for an evidence-based national road safety programme

FERSI is pleased to announce the publication of its new position paper. The paper intends to offer guidance to Member States on developing a national road safety programme. Its main message is that a road safety programme must be based on scientifically sound evidence in order to ensure that it focuses on the most relevant issues (i.e. made the correct ‘diagnosis’) and implements the most appropriate treatments (i.e. selected the best ‘therapy’). The paper results in five concrete recommendations for both the diagnosis and therapy stages. 

Download ‘Towards and evidence-based national road safety programme’.

FERSI published guidelines for assessing mobile phone use in road traffic

FERSI published a technical paper that sets out a scientifically valid method for assessing the prevalence of mobile phone use of car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians through on-road observations and self-reports. Mobile phone use is an important key performance indicator (KPI) for road safety. Mobile phones are a major source of distraction and contribute to the occurrence of accidents. Unfortunately, most countries do not yet have a reliable picture of the size of the problem and the developments over time. FERSI considers the current guidelines as an excellent basis for collecting scientifically reliable information about this highly relevant road safety issue. 

Download ‘Guidelines for assessing the prevalence of mobile phone use in traffic‘.